Selfless Service Society

Welcome to Selfless Service Society!

Elevating the World to higher levels through Selfless Loving Service

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity registered in the State of Illinois


Elevate individuals, families, communities, and organizations to higher levels through selfless loving service.


Selfless Service Society is a world leader in elevating people to higher levels through selfless loving service.

Core Values

Truth, Right Action, Peace, Love, Non-violence, and Selfless Service.

Guiding Principles

1. Love All, Serve All; Help Ever, Hurt Never.

2. Service to the community is the highest form of service. Service to humanity is service to divinity.

3. Work is Worship; Duty is God.

4. Use every talent and skill we have, not only for our own benefit, but for the benefit of the whole world.

5. Get better at serving others every day with no expectations in return - not even ‘thanks’.

Focus Areas

1. Volunteer Development: Develop volunteers suffused with selfless service mindsets and competencies.

2. Education: Bring out the best in people through education, training, coaching, and mentoring.

3. Health: Help people stay healthy at all levels – physical, mental, spiritual, financial, and social health.

4. Better World: Make the world a better place for all beings to live and pursue higher goals in their life.

Services Offered

1. Identifying and Recruiting of Selfless Service Volunteers.

2. Training and Development for Selfless Service Volunteers.

3. Identifying Service Needs and Opportunities in communities and organizations.

4. Matching Volunteers with Service Needs and Opportunities.

5. Providing oversight and hands-on coaching to Selfless Service Volunteers during service delivery.

6. Coordinating Learning Communities, Conferences, Retreats, and Meet-ups to promote Selfless Service.

7. Providing Management and Technical assistance, guidance, and oversight to Volunteer Groups.

8. Providing Communications and Collaboration infrastructure to Selfless Service Volunteer Groups.

9. Recognizing, Rewarding, and Promoting Excellence in Selfless Service delivery.